Jamshedpur, Sweta Pawar, a student of Tata Steel Technical Institute (TSTI) here, has added a feather to her cap by shining high at the recently concluded Youth Career Connect (YCC) 2020, a global online event organised to understand the perspectives of youngsters during the pandemic.
She won the first prize in the Best Visual Profile category of the YCC 2020 Future Starts Startup Competition hosted as a part of the two-week programme.
Hosted by Skillablers and IIT-Delhi Alumni Association, the competition was an opportunity for the youngsters to interact with experts from various industries to gain a better perspective of the existing prospects, trends, and tips so as to plan effective career paths for themselves.
The event brought together aspiring and like-minded youth with expert panelists to brainstorm and evolve meaningful dialogue for a better tomorrow.
Sweta, who is pursuing her diploma in Mechatronics Engineering at TSTI, presented her 360 degree visual profile in a very interesting manner.
“I used a video to provide my introduction and also my hobbies were presented in a visual format. I gave vivid descriptions of the projects that I have worked on including the one where I made use of robots,” she said.
She added, “If companies are based out of your location and you are not able to travel, especially during these times, this is a great medium to give them an idea about who you are or what your startup is about,” she said.
Prior to the competition, a lot of training from experts were provided on combining innovation and entrepreneurship to support innovative ideas, development and business creation.
More than 180 students from TSTI took part in the event. BK Singh, Principal of the institute, said that a number of steps have been taken to ensure that the academic sessions continue during the lockdown.
“We have provided tabs or laptops to all our students and classes are continuously going on. We are sending them study materials and also conducting regular tests,” said the principal.
TSTI, Jamshedpur established in the year 2014, was setup with a vision to improve the quality of technical education and to cater the requirements of the industries in the country. Functioning under the aegis of Tata Steel Foundation (TSF), the institute has a record of 100 percent placement since its inception.
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