It has been decided to run Maha Kumbh Mela Special trains as per following schedule:
07107/07108 Tirupati-Banaras-Vijayawada Special:
07107 Tirupati-Banaras Special will leave Tirupati on 18.01.2025, 08.02.2025, 15.02.2025 and 22.02.2025 at 20:55 hrs and will reach Banaras at 15:45 hrs, the third day. In the return direction, 07108 Banaras-Vijayawada Special will leave Banaras on 20.01.2025, 10.02.2025, 17.02.2025 and 24.02.2025 at 17:30 hrs and will arrive Vijayawada at 05:30 hrs, the third day.
The Special train will have stoppages at Jharsuguda, Rourkela, Hatia, Ranchi and Muri in SER jurisdiction.
07109/07110 Narasapur-Banaras-Narasapur Special:
07109 Narasapur-Banaras Special will leave Narasapur on 25.01.2025 and 01.02.2025 at 06:00 hrs and will reach Banaras at 15:45 hrs, the third day. In the return direction, 07110 Banaras-Narasapur Special will leave Banaras on 27.01.2025 and 03.02.2025 at 17:30 hrs and will reach Narasapur at 05:00 hrs, the third day.
The Special train will have stoppages at Jharsuguda, Rourkela, Hatia, Ranchi and Muri in SER jurisdiction.
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