The following SER Special trains will run as per revised timings:-
- 02102 Howrah-Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Festival Special will leave Howrah every Sunday & Thursday at 21.15 hrs as per revised timings w.e.f 06.12.2020 and will reach Lokmanya Tilak Terminus at 03.55 hrs on the third day. The train will continue upto 31.12.2020.
- 02101 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus-Howrah Festival Special will leave Lokmanya Tilak Terminus every Friday & Tuesday at 20.35 hrs as per revised timings w.e.f 04.12.2020 and will arrive Howrah at 03.15 hrs on the third day. The train will continue upto 29.12.2020.
- 02906 Howrah-Okha Festival Special will leave Howrah every Tuesday at 21.15 hrs as per revised timings w.e.f 08.12.2020 and will reach Okha at 16.30 hrs on the third day. The train will continue upto 29.12.2020.
- 02905 Okha-Howrah Festival Special will leave Okha every Sunday at 08.50 hrs as per revised timings w.e.f 06.12.2020 and will reach Howrah at 03.15 hrs on the third day. The train will continue upto 27.12.2020.
- 09206 Howrah-Porbandar Festival Special will leave Howrah every Friday & Saturday at 21.15 hrs as per revised timings w.e.f 05.12.2020 and reach Porbandar at 15.40 hrs on the third day. The train will continue upto 02.01.2021.
- 09205 Porbandar-Howrah Festival Special is leaving Porbandar every Wednesday & Thursday at 08.50 hrs as per revised timings w.e.f 02.12.2020 and reaching Howrah at 03.15 hrs on the third day. The train will continue upto 31.12.2020
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