Jamshedpur improves its ranking in the Swacch Survekshan Awards 2021

Ranked 12th among cities all over India


Ranked 2nd in Safai Mitra Suraksha Challengeamong cities with population between 3 lakh and 10 lakh
• Awarded in Gold (Anupam) Category in PrerakDauur Samman
Jamshedpur City also emerged as a 3-star rating in the star rating system for Garbage Free Cities

Jamshedpur : Jamshedpur City has improved its position to 12th at the national Swachh Survekshan Awards. In 2020, it had been ranked 13th.
The awards were given out by at Delhi’s Vigyan Bhavan on November 20, 2021. The event titled ‘Swachh Amrit Mahotsav’ was organised by the Union ministry of housing and urban affairs (MOHUA).

Jamshedpur has rapidly improved its position at these Awards from 2017onwards when it wasat 64th rank . Tata Steel Utilities and infrastructure Services Limited (erstwhile JUSCO) has been working closely with the Jamshedpur Notified Area Committee (JNAC) to improve the city’s standing at these awards.

As a result of their joint efforts the Jamshedpur has also bagged three additional awards this year.
• In the PrerakDauur Samman award category for waste management (segregation, processing, recycling, and sanitation status), Jamshedpur has been awarded the Gold Category (Anupam) Award.
• In the Safai Mitra Suraksha Challenge category that evaluates safety arrangements for garbage collectorsand sanitary workers, Jamshedpur has been ranked second in the entire country in the 3-10 lakh population category, behind Indore.
• Apart from that, Jamshedpur City has also been awarded a 3-star rating in the star rating system for Garbage Free Cities.
The awards were received jointly by Mr Suraj Kumar, DC, East Singhbhum, Mr Krishna Kumar, JNAC Special Officer and Captain Dhananjay Mishra, Senior General Manager, Jharkhand Business, Tata Steel UISL.


While congratulating and expressing happiness, gratitude and appreciation to the citizens of Jamshedpur, Tarun Daga, Managing Director, Tata Steel UISL said: “The awards represent the collective effort of all concerned I.e. citizens, the frontline workmen, district administration, the state government, the people’s representatives, Tata Steel and Tata Steel UISL. It has been a privilege to serve the city and the award encourages us to strive for the next levels in this cleanliness journey of the nation.”


Swachh Survekshan is an annual survey of cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation in cities and towns across India and was launched as a part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. This year, 4340 cities and 62 cantonment zones participated in the awards competition.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is now in the process of conducting the sixth edition of the survey to rank all cities under Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban with Quality Council of India as its implementation partner.

The objective of the survey is to encourage large scale citizen participation, ensure sustainability of initiatives taken towards garbage free and open defecation free cities. It aims to provide credible outcomes which would be validated by third party certification, institutionalize existing systems and create awareness.


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