India’s favourite Pop Sensation Dhvani Bhanushali adds another feather in her cap as she features on Femina’s Fabulous 50 list with the likes of Nita Ambani and Priyanka Chopra-Jonas!!
India’s pop princess, Dhvani Bhanushali, adds another feather to her hat as she features in Femina’s Fabulous 50 list.This Special issue identifies 50 outstanding women who are unstoppable, who have made a mark in whatever they do with sheer grit and determination. These women have gone through their own hurdles and hardships and overcome challenges to be winners. They are India’s FAB 50.
This issue shares the secret behind who they are, what made them conquer male bastions and achieve the unachievable. They have empowered themselves and redefined the patriarchal rules that have been rooted in our society’s long-held beliefs about what it means to be female.
The cover of this special issue features a few of the remarkable women from this list, where Dhvani can be seen with the likes of Priyanka Chopra-Jonas, Natasha Poonawalla, and Nita Amban
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