Politics is usually considered as a necessary evil in a democracy. It is often associated with dirty games
and muddy water but, on the other hand, it is a very important aspect of democracy. We often find
ourselves engaged in a heated discussion related to various political agendas and politicians. Even
though we grow up surrounding politics, someone rarely considers making politics a career, especially
when you are not from a political background. Troopel.com in their career guidance series, “Career
Khoj” organized a webinar on Politics as a career with renowned actor turned politician, Raja Bundela.
He hails from Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh and in the session, he discussed on various aspects of politics and
political careers.
In the session, Raja Bundela said that it requires great deal of understanding and new age ideas to make
a choice of stepping into politics. More often than not, honest and good people hesitate to join this
field. When you choose politics as a career, you are taking the responsibility of your mother nation on
your shoulders. One should have the heart to help people who are in need. The direction and dedication
in politics can only flow through new and beneficial thinking and the feeling of patriotism. For
politicians, serving people and their welfare should be a bigger objective than money making.
Furthermore, politics cannot be taught. It is a self teaching process where you sharpen your skills and
knowledge with time. It is highly crucial for the new generation to enter into politics for the progress of
a nation. Many times, young and the old generation clashes because of the generation gap.
Talking about young generation, he says that, “Politics and various subjects concerning it should be
added to the curriculum in schools and colleges in a proper manner. Youngsters should be aware of their
responsibilities towards their country. Instead of following someone, they should have the courage to
stand for their own rights and raise their voice against what is wrong.” He further adds, “there should be
a qualification criteria to enter into politics and some ground rules regarding politicians should be set so
that they could not misuse their power.”
In the end, he urged the young generation to come forward and take the command of the nation. One
should enter to politics at least once in their lifetime to know their nation and to bring change you want
to see in the world.
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