Jamshedpur Today News :XLRI recognised as one among the 4 business schools to achieve the highest categorization of Level 5, ‘Pioneering Schools’ in Positive Impact Rating 2023
XLRI is pleased to announce its participation in the Positive Impact Rating (PIR) 2023, providing its students with an opportunity to assess the institution’s efforts in addressing societal and sustainability issues and evaluating the positive impact of business schools.
The Positive Impact Rating (PIR) is a student-led evaluation aimed at addressing the broader role of business schools and their positive impact that extends beyond their contributions to the business and economy. The business school is assigned to one of five levels based on its total PIR score. The categorization of the various levels reflects the business school’s developmental stage.
XLRI will take part in the rating for the fourth time in a row. In earlier editions of Positive Impact Rating, XLRI was listed among the best global business schools. In the 2022 edition of the Positive Impact Rating, XLRI was among the four business schools to achieve the highest categorization of Level 5, ‘Pioneering Schools’, out of the 45 top global business schools featured.
The Positive Impact Rating 2022 Report was presented during a keynote session at the UN PRME Global Forum, in a virtual session held in June of the previous year, in the presence of students, representatives from business schools, and other stakeholders from around the world.
This year, XLRI strives to retain its position within the ‘Pioneering Schools’ category. Data collection for the survey is managed by SIGMA-oikos through email and social media campaigns. The results can serve as a tool to facilitate student-led initiatives for sustainable development.
Fr. Sebastian George, S.J., Director, said, “XLRI strongly believes in ‘For the Greater Good’ and we work for the greater common good in shaping the management education sector and the community at large. We strongly support what our students do as they dedicatedly work towards shaping our society and making it more sustainable for the greater good of humanity.”
According to Prof. Tata Raghuram, convenor, Father Arrupe Centre for Ecology and Sustainability (FACES), “At XLRI, we believe in creating a positive impact and building a better future for all. Our vision and mission are centred around producing responsible leaders who drive change and make a difference in the world. We are committed to using our education and resources to create a positive and lasting impact on society.”
Prof. Apratim Guha, Chairman, Ranking Committee commented, “XLRI endeavours to nurture ethical leaders sensitive to the environment and the society at large; and also to encourage critical thinking and continuous improvement. The Positive Impact Rating Survey offers our students an opportunity to contribute towards the same.”
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