Jamshedpur: To encourage sporting activities among the young generation, small competitions were organised during the Summer Camp at JRD Tata Sports Complex. Today, winners of Yoga competition were awarded by Sanjeev Kumar Choudhary, President, Tata Workers’ Union and Vinod Thakur, Union Committee Member who gave away the prizes to budding yoga enthusiasts who emerged winners in a small competition organised at Yoga Centre.
In another programme, Ravi Radhakrishnan, Chief, Aviation Services and Sanjay Kumar, Vice Chairman, Sports Advisory Committee gave away the prizes to children who emerged as winners in a small Karate competition organised to encourage the children. The event was organised at Karate Training Center.
Grand Finale of Summer Camp will be held on May 30, 2023 at JRD Tata Sports Complex from 5:00 PM onwards. Apart from the participants, their guardians/parent will also be attending the closing ceremony. A host of fun activities have been planned duhring the closing ceremony for the children and their parents as well.
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