Keeping in view the extra rush of the passengers during Chhat Festival, it has been decided to run Special trains between Tatanagar-Patna-Tatanagar leaving Tatanagar on 06.11.2021 and 08.11.2021 and leaving Patna on 07.11.2021 and 09.11.2021. One more Festival Special train will also run between Ranchi-Thawe-Ranchi leaving Ranchi on 06.11.2021 and leaving Thawe on 08.11.2021.
08111/08112 Tatanagar-Patna-Tatanagar Special
08111 Tatanagar-Patna Special will leave Tatanagar at 21.45 hrs and will reach Patna at 13.15 hrs the next day. In the opposite direction, 08112 Patna-Tatanagar Special leaving Patna at 15.15 hrs will arrive Tatanagar at 05.00 hrs, the next day.
The Special train will have one AC 2-Tier, one AC 3-Tier, nine sleeper class and nine general second class coaches and will have stoppages at Purulia and Bokaro Steel City in SER jurisdiction.
08631/08632 Ranchi-Thawe-Ranchi Special
08631 Ranchi-Thawe Special will leave Ranchi at 20.10 hrs and will reach Thawe at 18.10 hrs the next day. In the opposite direction, 08632 Thawe-Ranchi Special leaving Thawe at 10.10 hrs will arrive Ranchi at 07.10 hrs, the next day.
The Special train will have one AC 3-Tier, six sleeper class and four general second class coaches and will have stoppages at Muri and Bokaro Steel City in SER jurisdiction.
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