The three-day hackathon was inaugurated by Chief Minister Mr Jitendra Singh, Superintendent of Police, State Cyber Cell, Zone Indore and HOD Mr Prashant Lakdawala and other dignitaries. During this, Jitendra Singh told the people about the trends, frauds and invoices in the current cybercrime. The first day of Isohack held at the Acropolis Technical Campus saw a lot of excitement among the participants and committee members. Mentors Mr Sameer Khan, GDG Bhopal and Mr Pranshul Sohni, CEO, Backlog also made their presence present at the event. At the same time, students of the Computer Science Department made the hackathon grand through a cultural program. The last leg of the first day featured an interactive session on the topic GitHub and Slack, organized by Piyush Magnani, Final Year and Vaibhav Srivastava from Haxock Indore for all participants.
Similarly, on the second day of Iso-Hack, the participants considered the problem statements and had a good discussion with their team members. Mentors are available full-time to guide all teams.
After this, programmer and writer Sameer Khan, who was a co-lead and speaker at Google Developers and Facebook Developers Circle in Bhopal, told the participants about the importance of the results and the results on the software. He explained to the participants why any idea was needed before composing it. how? What is more? (Golden circle).
On the last day of Isohack organized by Shivajirao Kadam Institute of Technology and Management, all the participants presented their final prototype presentation to the Honorable Jury and Mentors! It was attended by 700 participants from different cities of the country, out of which 100 participants were selected for the competition. The teams participating in the competition Briefed about his project to solve various problems in business, education and social welfare. During this time, mentors also spoke to the participants and praised many projects prepared by the students.
Dr Shivajirao Kadam, Chairman of the College was welcomed by Dr Sanjay Purakar, Principal of the College. After this, Dr Shivajirao Kadam inspired all the participants and appreciated their work. The college’s Vice Chairman Dr Trivedi was welcomed by the College’s HOD Prashant Lakdawala! Dr Trivedi also inspired the participants. At the end of the program, memorials were presented to the mentors as a thank you.
Judging by the presentation and work of all the teams, the judges and mentors selected the top three teams. Among the top three teams, Team Acrocoder (First Winner), Team Kabhi (First Runner Up), Team CBKM (Second Runner Up) were awarded by Dr Shivajirao Kadam. Who were given cash prizes of 15000, 10000 and 5000.
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